a rickety bridge of impossible crossing

thank you

I wanted to give a heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported me during the funding drive. Your support made a real difference. I think we'll make it through November.

To those of you who made one-time donations: your support qualifies you for a year of sponsorship at the gold level. If you'd like a Sunday shout-out, or a plug for a cause or organization (or any non-corporate web thing you like) please let me know what name and/or link you'd like me to use.

I stocked up on groceries today, which involves 90 minutes on the bus, shopping in a warehouse from hell and carrying as much as I'm physically able in my arms and backpack (all after a full day at the #shop) so I'm hurting and I don't have much energy left for a proper post. But Paula should be back from her cruise tomorrow, which will hopefully reduce my workload back to pre-cruise levels and be another huge weight off my mind.

Thank you all so much for reading, and liking what I do, and being willing to help. Your support means the world to me, and it's helping me stay motivated and on track. On track for what exactly, I'm not sure. I'll figure that out when I get there. But in the meantime, thank you for sharing this journey with me 🦝
