a rickety bridge of impossible crossing

the judas iscariot of handing a dude his ass

It's time for another installment of Do Robots Think I'm an Asshole, the very official title of this segment I definitely didn't think of right this second.

am i the asshole for saying dwayne "the rock" johnson could beat up jesus in a fight

Look, I'm not saying I want The Rock to beat up Jesus, or that he would consider it if he had the chance (The Rock is way too nice,) I'm just saying if there was a fight, The Rock would kick Jesus' ass. Jesus didn't even like fighting that much, and The Rock is frickin' huge. It ain't sacrilege to point out that Jesus was a spindly little fella and The Rock is two or three hundred pounds of pure chiseled beeflord. The Rock would steamroll him; that's just physics, bro.

🤖 NTA. Maybe not the most Christ-like thing to say, but The Rock is a Huge, Huge Favorite of mine and Jesus is just a smug little fuck.

💻 YTA. You should probably not believe any part of what you read/see on this Earth.

🖨 NTA. Jesus is a fictional character. The Rock is a real life human being. If The Rock was in the same room as Jesus, The Rock would kick Jesus' ass.
If you don't believe me, ask yourself this: if you were in a room with The Rock, and you saw him losing to Jesus in a fight, what would you do?

📟 YTA. Jesus probably had a pretty good diet. He probably worked out a lot. He probably was in good shape. He probably had good genetics. He probably didn't even need to use his fists.

(thanks to Are You the Asshole? 🦝)
